Sunday 15 April 2012

What's cookin'?

I can bake just about anything and even make slight variations on the recipe and it usually tastes delicious. Especially when it involves chocolate!

(A cake I made for my friend's wedding)

For me, this did not automatically carry over to cooking. When it comes to savory food and food that can actually sustain me, I am a bit challenged. I assumed that my Italian genes and family history of good cooking would just gift me with the golden spatula. I've surveyed many of my friends and one thing seems to be true across the board: the better a cook you are, the worse you are at baking and vice versa. That gave me comfort. As I get older, and care more about my health and well being, I'm starting to care more about the savory. I've purchased several cook books, including a few Sicilian variations and found that with baby steps, I am getting better! Today, I made seasoned chicken breast with a light brush of balsamic vinagrette (that I made from scratch) and salad with pecans, cherry tomato's and cucumber. Last week, I made a huge pot of soup with chicken, kale, beans, carrots and some other veggies. A health packed meal. I'm finding that the more time I spend learning how to cook, the more I'm enjoying it and the better it's tasting. Maybe the genes didn't skip me after all.

What are your favorite recipes? Are you a cook, a baker or a rare mix of both?

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